Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Holey Cows

There was once a triad of confidantes. These three pulchritudinous gentlemen were all very sagacious. However, their love life was troublous. These men were not schlubs nor schlocks, yet their effulgent attributes were seldom discerned. The vituperation these men received, due to their winsome personages, was nearly intolerable. However, one fine day these intellectually gifted men saw there opportunity to become decried. These vindicates envisioned an inventive vernal vendetta. The vade mecum vituperation from the viceroy validated the vex brought by the vociferates. The vitiation by the venerable enemies was validated as evil. The vendettan's veracious verbatum vindictively persuaded the masses to virgule the vexing vagrants.

I'm out of v things to say. But for those who read the VP is now the P and this guy is now the VP.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana
"Some people will make headlines while others make history." Philip Elmer-DeWitt

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