Thursday, April 3, 2008

The meaning of life

Have you ever thought about what your purpose or duty is here? It is a very complex question and one that probably doesn't have an answer. What is the purpose of life? I am not a religious person by any means. I believe in God but I feel the church and religion is not my thing. However, when talking about this subject one has trouble avoiding God and religion. Does God have a purpose for us here on earth? And if he does what is that purpose? Are there some people who are meant to be bums on the street and live a life of poverty? Or are these people rejecting their duties and responsibilities? Think about it. You are born, you grow up, you go to school, learn, graduate, get a job, have kids then inevitably you die. Where in this process is there something spectacular that God cannot do himself? Are we merely puppets for his amusement? Furthermore, this leads to the subject of are we alone in the universe? I say there is no possible way that we are alone. If that is the case are we just one part of Gods mission? Do we fulfill one piece of the pie and other civilizations fulfill the other? What is our purpose and meaning? If God needed humans, why did he need so many? Why are we created the way we are? I have been thinking that everything is going to lead to something. I am here because eventually I will do something or already have done something to make the universe better or different. However, if my only job is to inspire one person to do something great and change the world, what makes that one person so much more special than me? That may sound selfish but it is something to think about. You have lived your whole life thinking that you are number one in your world, however what if the entire purpose of your life is to smile at one person and after you smile at the one person you task is complete. It is hard to comprehend but it is something to think about. However, what if we do not have purposes? What if we only are born, live, then die? There is no purpose or no reason for our existence. God put us here and then left. I understand that I am asking more questions than giving insight but how can these questions be answered by me. What if the purpose of my entire life is to right this one blog and inspire one person and then my life mission is complete? What if your one purpose in life is to read this blog and become enlightened or something and then your life is complete? Does it end with you and me? If you were to die tomorrow would you have any regrets? Would your life be complete? Or would you have failed to accomplish the one thing in life that you were supposed to accomplish? These questions may seem dumb but all of them came to me in a dream while sleeping through fight club. Maybe this was my purpose. I hope that this doesn't create any problems with anyone, but I also hope that you don't pass up opportunities when they arise. The meaning and purpose of your life may be dependent on one little thing, or maybe nothing at all. Live life without regrets, it may not be here tomorrow.

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