Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Many of the blogs I read about have something to do with too many thoughts or too many concerns etc. Well I don't see the problem with so many thoughts. Thoughts of the future, thoughts about school, girls, life everything. Today instead of running for baseball, I took a nice casual walk, after I was out of coaches view. This may seem like I am a complete slacker but it may have been more beneficial. I just walked and thought. I thought about everything. And when you get a chance to just think about anything, your thoughts come out much more clear. They seem more like dreams than thoughts or responsibilities. Also, when I got back to my room I took a few minutes and just listened to music. The roommate let me have some of his music. Boys Like Girls is a very good choice if you want to just sit and think and dream. But if you get the chance to just walk by yourself or just sit and listen to music, it is good to just chill and relax.
Today I did something that is completely wrong and grotesque and very well may be illegal in some states, you guessed it I went to spanish lab. Usually a complete waste of an hour, which is why I have skipped every one of them this semester. However, I actually learned something this time. I may try it again someday. Yeah, what am I thinking thats just crazy talk. I think I am starting against Notre Dame tomorrow so there will either be a very happy blog or something along the lines of fuck the irish. I'm not really sure yet.

A few words of wisdom:
"It's not against the law if you don't get caught"
"Dale's mom's the man"

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