Sunday, April 6, 2008

Men vs. Women

My original blog was deleted to begin this topic of advise. Keep in mind that this does not come completely from my own mind there were outside sources who helped with the information and all comments will be excepted.
First, advice and knowledge for men primarily from She who is to be named later. The most important thing, Women think about sex too. They are horny and get horny just like men. When you go out on dates, you are not the only one who is looking forward to getting back to the room to fool around. Another thing to keep in mind is women are just humans too, they don't have powers to read your mind. While it definitely seems like it sometimes, they don't always know what you are thinking. Women don't like cocky men. Granted we are pretty awesome but wait until after you get to know them to show them how you can balance your bicycle on your chin (John Rocker) or how many push-ups you can do in a minute. Another very important thing is women try very hard to look good, while some have an easier job than others, they all still try. So, men should try at least a little to look good. While some men like His Sirness can look good no matter what, others like myself must take the initiative to improve our looks (non cockyness coming out in case you were paying attention). However, it would probably be better for the men reading this to not look good that way the rest of us have a better chance, just a side note. I may write more on this subject later, but for the most part is women are just women, don't be afraid to talk to them, unfortunately most women know that guys are intimidated by girls and the whole awkwardness of talking and screwing up your words seems "sweet" to them.
Now for women. Men are always horny, doesn't matter who the guy is or where he is from all guys are horny. Some girls seem to always walk around as if they are goddesses, unfortunately for most men that is a turn off. If you act like you own the world it isn't very likely that you are going to attract a nice guy. Furthermore, probably the most common myth, women look sexy, extremely sexy in sweat pants and a t-shirt with no make-up on. You don't believe me but I know. An extremely important thing, DON'T PLAY GAMES. You may think it is fun and cute but it pisses us off. Seriously, just be honest and tell us. If you don't like us or if you don't want anything just tell us and we can all move on a lot faster. And maybe it's just me but the innocent look is much more attractive than the slutty or hooker look. If I have a girlfriend I don't mind know what panties or bra she is wearing but I don't want the entire campus knowing. Well I'm sure there is about another 20 blogs worth of information and maybe I will have a part II later but for now this is enough.

"Men live in a fantasy world. I know because I am one, I actually receive my mail there."
"Guys are destined to lose argument with women because they have this thing where they like to make sense"

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