Monday, April 21, 2008

This blog is not about a revolution

So about revolutions. I recently heard a song titled "That was a crazy game of poker," by O.A.R. this song doesn't really have much at all to do with revolutions but there are a few lines that when sung separately can definitely motivate one to start a revolution. So listen to it and rebel against something, all the cool kids are doing it. Moving on.

It has always been somewhat of an hidden dream of mine to lead a revolution. And with my current major in history the idea of revolution is constantly put in my head. You have all those crazy uprisings in 1848, none succeeded however. Bismarck and Cavour in the unification of Germany and Italy in 1871. Lenin and Trotsky in Russia. All these people made there way into history by revolting or leading masses to follow their ideals. Unfortunately for me, the U.S. has a government that makes it incredibly hard to revolt against. There are too many measures in place to make sure such aggression does not escalate to the point of revolution. So governmental revolution is out, at least in the U.S. How about school? While Manchester does have its problems there doesn't seem to be enough to revolt against. I think maybe if I join a suppressed minority group then maybe there might be more opportunities for me. But for the most part school is out. I think that my future plans involve becoming fabulously wealthy and influential then uniting the masses and just seeing how far I can get before someone stops me. This may sound crazy but think about how many times in history that one person was able to single-handedly alter the course of world history. Unfortunately, only the worst of these come to peoples minds at first such as Hitler and Stalin. But think of great people like Winston Churchill, my absolute all-time hero. And others like George Washington and Napoleon. For the VP, yes I just compared George Washington and Napoleon. These people woke up one day and realized that something was wrong and decided it was their job to do something about it. Napoleon may have just wanted power, but he was one man who almost completely conquered Europe and had massive support to do so. Churchill united the world against the Axis power in WWII. Individuals are what is needed to change history. The masses will respond when there is one person who is strong enough or at least loud enough to get there attention. And I really want to lead a large revolution of some form. So if you hear of anything sparking up send me a comment and I'll try and jump into the executive seat. Not because I necessarily believe that I can lead the people, but primarily because I want to try. Oh and the bigger the revolution the better. Not quite WWIII style but maybe like nation wide civil rights rallies or something cool like that. Oh Martin Luther King Jr. he's another big one.

"The first duty of revolution is to get away with it." Abbie Hoffman
"History will be kind to me for I intend to write it." Sir Winston Churchill
"It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we must do what is required." Again the great Sir Winston Churchill
"A leader can see the way, is able to tell the way, and most importantly will lead the way." Something I just kind of made up but sounds really good.

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