Monday, April 14, 2008

High School Fun

Well friends of the blogging world, for those of you who do not read the roommates blog I would encourage you to do so, The poem he refers too is just short of amazing. Anyways moving forward.

In high school, at least at Jay County High School, toiletpapering was a major trend. It was something to do on the weekend and made nights interesting. If you have never been toiletpapering I would highly encourage you to do so. The fun isn't in throwing the tp over trees or putting forks in the yard, or putting shaving cream in a condom and then putting the condom over the door handle. The fun is in almost getting caught. It's an adrenaline rush. Especially, if the person you are doing it to gets super pissed. Some of you may say that this is just meaningless vandalism or crass, but toiletpapering was so much more. It wasn't just a random thing. It was planned and strategically organized. There are two instances that come to mind that legitimize my claim.
One night a very large group of us were sitting at pizza hut after a football game when the idea to go tping was tossed down the table. Seeing an opportunity to step into the TP Hall of Fame, I took the reins and began planning for everyone. To my right was my best friend and to my left was chicken george. Well chicken george believed he was the best so I convinced him to take half of the guys and tp my best friend. Well he didn't know that I sent my best friend back to his house to catch them. For those of you who know T2, know that he is more than capable of handling a few unarmed guys. Part 3 of the plan consisted of me taking the remaining 8 guys or so and going to chicken georges house for the 3 straight weekend to tp him. Well with chicken george oblivious to his own downfall, we headed out. The plan worked amazingly. Chicken George's house looked as if it were in Siberia in the worst snow storm on record. Not a tree was left uncovered. When his mom came out and almost caught us made the adventure that much more exciting. However, the absolute best part was the phone call from chicken george exclaiming his untimely demise at the best friends house. Apparently, some car keys were stolen from the get away car and a BB gun with a laser pointer was involved (I told you he was capable of handling them haha). After the rendezvous at the high school he continued to express his utter dislike of the plan and continued to question my loyalty to the plan. I made up a story that we went somewhere else and got caught. So him being the ever untrustful chicken george questioned my source and attempted to legitimize it. To his misfortune, the alibi came through and my half was saved. This is just one of several times that guaranteed my name be placed in the Hall of Fame of Toiletpapering. I know I said I would share two events but the next one is longer yet, so I may save it for tomorrow or something.

Words of advice:
If you have never experienced the joy of toiletpapering, it is well worth it to try.
"When in doubt..."
and lastly just remember it could always be worse.

1 comment:

T2 said...

this blog is entirely accurate everyone should go toilet papering at least twice one to get caught and succesfully make it out and the other the hall of famer may tell you later. furthermore some advice you shouldnt toilet paper someone if they have a bb gun or even a paintball gun with laser sight not been on the losing end of those but have made people be on the losing end they were lucky i have been on the losing end of worse which i have a good fealing the hall of famer will tell you about mine was alot more powerful with alot more blackpowder. goodtimes in high school.
Sincerly, T2