Monday, April 7, 2008

Life and realization

For as long as I can remember I have always had baseball to help me understand life. Sometimes you lose, sometimes you win, there are high points when you strike out their best hitter to end the inning and there are low points where their best hitter goes yard and you fall behind. However, lately these feelings have not been the same. I have not seen baseball the same as I always have, until today. Today I threw a bullpen and lost all my thoughts. I had been struggling with accuracy and velocity and movement, the whole she-bang, but today something just clicked. I stopped thinking. I stopped worrying about strikes and everything and just threw. It was probably the best bullpen I've thrown in a very long time. However, this blog isn't merely about the throwing part but the intellectual part. I came to the conclusion that everything always works out in the end. I didn't know if I was wasting time with baseball or not and now I realize that baseball is what gives me release. It lets me escape my body and mind for that split second as I wind up and throw. Many of you probably wouldn't understand this but its something that is unexplainable. While throwing I began thinking that everything will be alright. I began thinking about the future and what I really want. The question kept coming up of what is in store for me? There were so many thoughts and options running through my head, when I realized that it will work itself out. I don't have to worry about taking the right or wrong path now. Now I can just live and do what I want. When the time comes to choose the path for me, I will know which way to take. Life is just one adventure after another, don't start the next until this one is finished.

"Don't take life to seriously, you'll never get out alive."
"Life is something that everyone should try at least once"

P.S. Hope this helps you as it did me.

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