Friday, October 17, 2008

Rule No. 76: no excuses play like a champion

I am pretty much just blogging cuz I didn't want the title of the last blog to be the first thing I see everytime I go to it. However, blogging has somewhat lost its appeal. There is the constant pressure to come up with a new topic. And nobody honestly wants to read a blog about my daily trivials. Furthermore, there isn't the emphasis on blogging this year within the entourage as there was in the past.

"Everything of importance has been said before by somebody who did not discover it." Alfred North Whitehead

P.S. it has just come to my attention that the Mary to my William (or vice versa but it's my blog so I'm the guy) has blogged which completely discredits my blog however I'm not changing mine.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

FuCk My LiFe

It's 12:22 in the a.m. I am sick, I have class at 9:30, I have two sentences written on a paper that is due tomorrow, and did I mention I'm sick.

Furthermore, I received my absentee ballot today and it is confusing as fuck. But I'm not completely sure who I'm going to vote for. After lasts night debate I am convinced McCain is slightly retarded but also that Obama is border line gay. Obama is extremely intelligent but unfortunately knows it and also knows how to say a lot and say nothing at all. McCain is apparently friends with everyone and wants to buy 3 million houses. I think I'm just going to say fuck the primary parties and vote Libertarian. BOB BARR '08!!!!

I hate coughing. Fuck girls, if that one bitch didn't make me sleep with the window open I wouldn't be sick. It wasn't even worth it.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The words of a very wise man

A wise man once gave me timeless advice that goes like this:
"Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things."
If you're ever in a tough spot this always helps.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Red Wheelbarrow

So much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white

There is a meaning behind this poem and Zac and I figured it out our senior year of high school. Can you?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Cool site I stumbled upon

50 Things everyone should know how to do

Successful Sunday

Entourage night was yet again a successful night. There were approximately 10 people all crammed together on the yellow submarine, but we wouldn't have it any other way in Helman. This episode was definitely in the top ten of all-time episodes so for the one person who reads this who wasn't there, you definitely missed out.

The weekend also went splendidly. It was a weekend of drinking and partying and having a good time. Luckily, I missed out on all the second street drama that occurred shortly after my departure. But I think that is all I should blog about.

"Be happy while you're living, for you're along time dead." Scottish Proverb

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bad Student Handbook

So if you want to become a bad student instantly follow my lead. Put all important homework off until the last day then get drunk and put it off until the last morning. Its a really bad idea but kinda fun. So that's my only blog for tonight but to be continued...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I am so much more creative at night

I just realized that I am way more creative after like 11:30 than I am before. I think it may just take my brain that long to warm up. I don't really have anything super creative to talk about. But if I wait like a minute I will have something spectacular. There are many options but I think I'm going to blog about blogging and new technological ways of communicating, because I have had some of this new form of communication tonight.
First off blogging. It's pretty amazing the things you can say to a computer screen with the intent of letting others read the same thing. However, I'm a little different. I like to say things that I understand but others don't exactly. One may see something as a riveting tale and others see it as a confession. Some may see something as just a random blog about blogs but others know that there must be something else there that we are missing. And it's great because I can be completely and positively me and nobody can tell me to be otherwise.
Now onto texting. Recently, for those who really know me and it should be everyone because I think there are only two of you :(, I have been having relationship trouble. Well tonight I sought out to remedy that. First by laying foundation through texts. Then by actually calling said person. Well it didn't go as smoothly as I hoped but it is still a working process. Girlfriends, everyone should have at least two. Well hopefully said relationship ends peacefully with both parties thoroughly satisfied. And hopefully the third party realizes that it is now time to change the pace also. Some ruts are so deep you need a ladder and hand to pull you out of.

I created like 3 quotes in there all by myself. I told you that I become creative at night. I'm like a vampire.

I take back my harsh words against MC Library

So I happened to mention my dilemma to Professor Tinsley about only find 12 total books concerning Britain and WWII. Unfortunately, my intelligent bone must have been broken because she immediately said well did you try "Great Britain" or "England" or "UK" and so I muttered "fuck" under my breath due to my incompetence. But now I'm just racking up the sources. However, my bibliography is due friday along with a biography of Robert Darnton. I also need to start analyzing my sources for British history. Being a history major definitely has its perks and don't get me wrong I absolutely love the subject but this whole writing 20-30 page papers is going to be the end of me before too long.

"Idleness is not doing nothing. Idleness is being free from doing anything." Floyd Dell

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Manchester library sucks

I have abandoned the Angelos titling because there is an important announcement which needs to be announced. Funderburg Library at Manchester College sucks. Britain is a pretty important country. WWII is a pretty important event. Britain played a pretty vital role in WWII. However, our library sees fit only to have 12 books appear when you put the terms Britain and WWII together. WTF? Its like having 12 books about the north winning the Civil War.

On a lighter note, Entourage was a good episode. However, watching the seasons on tv isn't near as much fun because we can only watch one episode. Normally, we would watch like 4 until it was time to go to bed or we had to switch dvds. But now I have to wait until next Sunday to get my Entourage fix.

"A wise man will love, all others will desire." Afranius
"The only thing that makes life possible is permanent, untolerable uncertainty; not know what comes next." Ursula K. LeGuin

Five Roman Centuries

I'm sticking with the Angelos titles at least for a little while.

Tonight is entourage night which is always a blast. Hopefully I can get a little homework done afterward. Tinsley's class is starting to become a nuisance. 12 Primary sources and 6 secondary sources by Friday, are you kidding me. I wish I could just write an autobiography but then again that could prove to be just as troublesome. Well I will probably continue this blog later tonight after the 2nd episode of Entourage for the new season is over.

"One in her hand is worth two in her bush." Me last night texting Nate when his girl was over.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

A new empire arises

The title is completely irrelevant. I don't like titles so I think I am just going to use the ones Professor Angelos gives me in my history notes.

So today was a very interesting day for yours truly. Instead of sleeping off my hangover until noon and then laying around all day, I woke up and went to a beef cattle show in Auburn. Now you may think, "wow how weird," but actually I used to show beef steers in 4-H and I rather enjoyed the show. I went his he who is to be named later and she who is to be named later and the wrastler.

Tomorrow is our first baseball games of the fall season. I pitch in game 3 which should begin between 2:30-3. It should be complete domination but who knows. I have some pretty legit adversaries to compete against. So wish me good luck.

"Professor Tinsley sucks" this guy
"Trade your secrets and become who you are" Frank Warren

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The message behind the words

So this is a story I'm making up as I go along.

One day a long time ago in a place far far away there sat Fred. Now Fred wasn't just anyone, Fred was a god. He was in fact the god of dirty gym shorts. As Fred sat there admiring the stars one evening, his long time gf Rachel walked up. Now Rachel was the goddess of the color green and pizza rolls. Needless to say Rachel was much better than Fred, but they were in love so it doesn't matter. Now Fred and Rachel were in a complex situation. See Fred was Jewish and Rachel was not. Now you may not see this as a problem but in a place far far away it was illegal for a Jewish god to date a non-Jewish god, much like 1940's Germany. However, they were apparently in love so it doesn't matter. Meanwhile, down on earth there was this poor traveler. He was constantly on the move and the only person who could ever keep up with him would have been a god or goddess. One day Rachel was flying around pretending to be a red-tailed hawk, when she saw the traveler. She swooped down and asked him his name. "I am Constantine," he said, "and who are you?" Rachel had never revealed her true self to anyone before but for some reason decided to trust this man. She told him her name, however didn't show him anymore than herself as a hawk. As time went on, Rachel and the traveler became closer and closer. Rachel began revealing more and more of herself and Constantine did the same.
Well Fred began to get suspicious of Rachel's actions and in a fit of jealousy he banned Rachel from seeing Constantine ever again. Fred began following her every movement and constantly asking of her whereabouts and who she was talking to. Finally, he locked her in a tower. Now the world was thrown into peril, especially that of Constantine. Imagine a world with no green and no pizza rolls. That was all that life was to Constantine. He loved the color green and because he was a traveler he only had a microwave and pizza rolls.
Constantine could not stand the thought of never having what he loved the most. So he went to a place far far away and climbed the tower to save Rachel. However, when he got to the top she didn't want to be saved. She thought she was in love so it doesn't matter. Even though Fred had done all these things she wanted to stay with him, because he was the only one who had ever cared back to her.

There is a moral to this story however it is one for you to find on your own.

"One swallow does not make a summer." Aristotle
"A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song." Chinese Proverb

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Its Just Life

Have you ever just stopped and looked around at your life? That question will only make sense to those who have done it. But just stop and think about what you have done all in your life so far. In the 21 or so years that you have been alive what things do you remember the best and why do you think that is?

Think to yourself and ask yourself if you ever thought you would be here in the position that you are in now. Whether that be in a serious relationship or just at college or majoring in something crazy. I never thought I would major in history. Not that I didn't like the subject just because I never really saw a future in the major.

Now look to the future. Where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years? What do you wanna be? Is what you're doing now going to help you or make you get to where you wanna be? Are you wasting time on something? Have you fallen into a rut that you can't get out of that you know isn't the right path but its the easiest path and the most enjoyable at the moment? Now here is the hardest question to answer truthfully even to yourself, are you afraid of change?

I don't know what made me wanna blog like this tonight but I was reading and listening to music and just happened to think about it.

Monday, September 8, 2008

60 Posts

Holy snickeys batman, this is my 61st post. Who would have thought I ever had this much to say? Not this guy. But I don't have anything really crazy to say tonight, but I'm going to wing it.

First subject is the rain. I didn't know it was raining until just recently but I absolutely love the rain. Its truly the best thing around. Its extremely romantic to either make-out in the rain or just walk in the rain. I mean look at the notebook, if it didn't rain when they were getting out of the boat it wouldn't be the best movie ever made. Also, rain is perfect for the heat because it cools things off and lets plants grow and stuff like that. I LOVE the rain. When it starts raining and you can hear it pounding on the windows for some reason it makes you just want to curl up and take a nap or read a book or something cozy like that.

Next subject is probably going to be unexpected relationships. I'm not sure if he who is to be named later is still reading this blog or not but if he is this one is directed more to him than anyone. The spontaneity of life is what makes it worth living. Sometimes love can bring you down and sometimes it can pick you up. I'm extremely happy that he has finally been picked back up. No matter the length or severity of this relationship at least it pulled him out of the slump. Kudos to he who is to be named later.

Now onto the subliminal message for tonight. It's never good to count your eggs before they hatch. Many times eggs won't hatch and for all the ones that do you never know when the big one is actually a turkey. I know weird right but I know exactly what it means and know exactly what I want it to mean. But if you think about it hard enough and know me well enough everything will make sense before that other guy/girl has to explain it.

Google Scholar says, "Stand on the shoulders of giants." Now if anything is unclear on meaning that is.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


So there is this old time saying which states, "Never judge a book by its cover." Many of us disregard this statement everyday. We see the young gentleman with long hair and likes to dress like a girl and immediately walk the other way and think that he is a freak. However, this particular person may be extremely intelligent or very much sincere and kind. They could be a person who under different circumstances you could have been extremely good friends with, however you judged the book by its cover and went the other way. There are other instances also. For instance the football team. Many people look at football players and think that they are just a bunch of stupid horndog jocks. However, there are many of them who are very nice and fun to hang out with.

And then you have very studious, handsome, and down-to-earth guys, and you say, "I bet he doesn't even clean the lint trap." When in reality he cleans it out everytime he does the laundry.

"Character is like a tree and reputation is its shadow. The shadow is what we think of; the tree is the real thing." Abraham Lincoln
"When character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends." Japanese Proverb

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Ten Rules of Life that I definitely copied from someone else

1. You will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it's yours to keep for the entire period.

2. You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called, "life."

3. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of trial, error, and experimentation. The "failed" experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiments that ultimately "work."

4. Lessons are repeated until they are learned. A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can go on to the next lesson.

5. Learning lessons does not end. There's no part of life that doesn't contain its lessons. If you're alive, that means there are still lessons to be learned.

6. "There" is no better a place than "here." When your "there" has become a "here", you will simply obtain another "there" that will again look better than "here."

7. Other people are merely mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects to you something you love or hate about yourself.

8. What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours.

9. Your answers lie within you. The answers to life's questions lie within you. All you need to do is look, listen, and trust.

10. You will forget all this.

Doesn't 10 suck?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What should I blog about?

Well as the title should imply I wasn't entirely sure what this blog was going to be about. But after immense thought I have came to the conclusion it should be about relationships. For those few readers who are still loyal and know me best know that I have not been the best role model for relationships in the past. However, is it because I don't know what I'm doing or because I am just that smart. Well there were some people who have invested thousands of dollars and a countless number of hours in a single relationship. Just to see this relationship end in a ball of flames. There are others who believe they are just in it to have fun and see what happens. Then there is me. I like to consider myself a realist but I'm probably not because I don't really know the requirements of being a realist. But anyways...

I have been in several relationships since the time when relationships became real for kids (when you could drive probably). Well the first didn't end the best but it actually worked out better after we broke up because we fooled around more hahaha. I probably shouldn't have written that but it's my first blog in awhile I should make it pop. Well then there was another one in college and it was fun but I could clearly tell that she wasn't the one for me. So instead of wasting everything I ended it. Even though she was extremely pretty. Well now there is this one. She is a freshman at another university. I like her, I really do. However, I'm not sure if it is just because of the sex or not. So I am currently investing very little. I actually talk to another very attractive brunetter more than her. But she is still crazy about me. So I must be doing something right. So why should I invest more than I care to receive in return? Or maybe I know that she isn't the one and am saving all my good boyfriendness for her. One may never know. But don't put too much into something, cuz you never know the results.

"I'm a romantic; a sentimental person thinks things will last; a romantic person hopes against hope that they won't." F. Scott Fitzgerald
"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject." Sir Winston Churchill

Friday, July 25, 2008

Long summer days

I thought about making this some random blog about like the ocean or something but then realized nobody cares about the ocean except for ocean-caring people. So then after a tremedous amount of thought I decided the ideal blog would be about amish. "Amish" you say, "who cares about amish?" And I reply, "Absolutely nobody in the entire world. Which is why it is the perfect blog, because it does not discriminate against anyone."

Anyways, the amish way of life is extremely simply and stupid. It is a religious order originally from Germany. However, they are so arrogant and idiotic that they developed their own version of the german language. Their pathetic excuse of religion does not allow them to own modern things like cars and electricity and running water. So to compensate for their deficiencies they require the assistance of normal people. They require their empolyers to deliver them to and from their homes before and after work. The "amish haulers" are usually not much better than the amish themselves, they stink, rarely have clean clothes and complain about everything that us "normal people" do. The area just north of P-Town is blessed with an infestation of this breed of human. There are several ironies about the amish however. Every single one of them has a cell phone, many with internet capabilities. Furthermore, this idiotic breed of amish believe that the economy is crap because people like me go to college and require higher paying jobs instead of going directly into the work force for minimum wage. Crazy right? Well other marvels of the amish include they refuse to own anything that need be plugged in to use however if it has a battery then they are more than willing to own it. My response to this stupid idea is, if the god that they believe in is so uptight about electricity do you honestly believe that there is a loop hole in the bible allowing battery powered gadgets? They are also raging alcoholics, chain smokers and pretty much completely incompetent. The amish do not pay property taxes and receive all schooling for free. This I do not understand. It's not like they are natives of the U.S.A. They immigrated here just like most everyone else so they have no inherent right to the land. And why should we educate them for free. They have no need of an education ever.

There are however several key advantages to hiring amish in the line of construction. They are pretty much without any knowledge of anything else except construction. You may wonder how is that an advantage. Well they do not know about health care and minimum wage and any other legal subsidiaries. So we can employ them for next to nothing. Not give them any compensation when they are injured on the job and require them to do jobs any normal person would refuse. Without intelligence they are merely pawns of the normal world. Brilliant people lead and idiots follow just ask Churchill.

All in all the amish race is unfortunately expanding but will hopefully all become so poor and uneducated that they are forced to become normal.

I'm not sure what to quote about after this blog so I am just going to throw out some favorites.
"Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious." Brendan Gill
"History will be kind to me for I intend to write it." Winston Churchill
"I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us, but pigs treat us as equals." Sir Winston Churchill

See everyone in a little over a month.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Boys of Summer

The title refers to the name given to the Portland Rockets by our coach. Currently, your Portland Rockets dominated the USBC Classic in Ft. Wayne Indiana outscoring our opponents 21-3. Yes you may ask why even bother going when the competition is nowhere near your standards and I answer back because we got to play on Wizards Stadium. Yours truly is starting tonight if the rain ceases in the next hour or so. This will be my last start for quite some time because on Wednesday night at 9:02 p.m. the other boys of summer will be traveling to Colorado for a ten-day camping trip. The roommate, T2, farmboy and myself will be partaking in this adventure. We will be camping at approximately 11,000 ft. and this is not an RV trip. This is a backpack 6.5 miles up a mountain with all your supplies and be completely on your own for 10 days kinda thing. Pretty bitchin i know. Well the boss has walked by like 4 times and given me a dirty "I know you aren't working on what you're supposed to" look, so I will only take like 10 more minutes to find witty and inspiring quotes to end on.

"Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods." Aristotle
"A true friend doesn't bail you out of jail but is sitting beside you saying 'man that was fun.'" Don't remember but is still a classic

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Summer days

Oh summer in P-town, what more can i say really? The Portland Rockets are dominating the USBC. I have pitched in like 10 games this summer and have pretty much kicked ass in all but one, but i don't count that one. I recently facebook stalked he who is to be named later and am not going to lie i kinda liked it. I'm sitting here at work now doing absolutely nothing except waiting on someone to return so i can go to Middlebury, IN then to Albion, IN. It will be a pretty awesome day of driving.

I should probably also make it known that I kinda have a girlfriend now. Yes its the same girl I go out with every summer, and NO ZAC she does not look like sean so fuck off. But who knows how it is going to end up.

I have finished a couple books and have decided i want to read War and Peace. I will be leaving for Colorado to go camping in the mountains on July 10, I am really looking forward to getting away from everything.

To all my faithful readers, Stay cool and when in doubt stick it in the two hole.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Greetings from P-Town

So the previous blog I would now say is null and void. The momma is no longer constantly bitching and I am able to spend more time at home. However, I still constantly hit the course when time allows. I shot 45 holes this past weekend, pretty crazy I know. 9 on friday, 27 on Sat. and 9 on Sun. (I hope that equals 45 cuz I just kind of did the math in my head and its really early still). But i just wanted to say hello to everyone out there and that I miss you all.

Another note your dear Portland Rockets were in action this weekend. They were defeated by the Anderson Warriors in the first game 3-1 led by the Russian. However, in game two of the double header the Rockets dominated with a 12-0 ass-whipping. It was a fun weekend none-the-less. The game scheduled for Tuesday against 412 Club was postponed due to rain and it doesn't look likely that we will play Wads team tonight.

Hopefully the rain doesn't completely flood Portland like it is notorious for doing.

Take Care readers

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Return to the blogger world

Hello my faithful readers who haven't yet given up on the blog. I appreciate the continued interest. I just wanted to say hello from Portland, IN. It's pretty boring and lonely here. I've been golfing as much as physically possible with work and working out. Speaking of which I am sitting at work now getting paid to blog. Nothing of great importance has happened to me yet this summer. I get up at 5, get to work by 6ish, work till 5ish, then lift weights, then either throw or golf, then shower and eat then read, then bed. Sounds like a pretty busy life but it is extremely boring and repetitive. My mother has been near intolerable since I have been home, hence the reason that shower and sleep are the only activities at home. She has been nagging constantly, even to the point where she suggested that if I'm not happy at home that I get my own place. Needless to say, there is a good possibility that they buy me a house. Yeah sounds crazy right. Well they are big real estate people and buy homes and property all the time. So for them to buy a random house for me to live in isn't that wild of an idea. Kind of sad though if you think about it. But I have been very independent all my life and I pretty much live on my own now anyways because I usually leave before my parents wake up and get home after they have went to bed, even on the weekends. However, I feel as if this life of constant GO GO GO will soon subside and leave me sitting at home watching tv all night.

"My home is not a place, it is the people." Lois Bujold
"All people want is someone to listen." Hugh Elliot

P.S. I forgot the main purpose of this blog. I miss Manchester. It is crazy to say it but I would to almost anything to be back there. I miss being in contact with everyone. But if you read this leave a comment. Someday I'll check it again and it would be great to hear from the outside world.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Another one bites the dust

Another year of Manchester College is in the books. While dreaming my way through most of today and yesterday I came to wonder about the "L" word. Is the "L" word meant for everyone? Or is there even such a thing? Some people spend all their time looking for the "L" word, only to find themselves with nothing and nobody. I'm not saying that I am too upset with not having that special someone because I am nowhere near being ready to settle down. Also, I am driving south from school and it seems like everyone else is going north. But now it is time for me to go. The rest of this blog will be continued later.

Good luck everyone and have a great summer.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Holy gee willagers I have written a total of 51 blogs counting this one. Who would have thought I could find that much to say. But anyways on to the meaning and purpose of this blog. Finals. After talking with he who is to be named later the irony of having finals was exposed to me. Say for instance your final is worth 30% of your total grade. Now up to this point you have a solid A but that is only 70% of your final grade at most. So the final and not raise your grade. You need to get at least a 67% to get an A-, however anything above that will only keep you at your current grade while anything below will greatly decrease it. Granted a 67% may not be hard to achieve but finals are made for failure. There is no way for you to increase your A to an A+ and even if you could an A+ is worth no more than an A. This may be greedy for someone to wish for an A+ but it is more a matter of losing the A. Finals are a formula for failure.

P.S. anyone wanting to go from Chicago to Paris from this friday to January 3 you can get a nonstop flight for $4,766 for two or ride first class for $13,944 per person. Just an idea if anyone wants to go.

"Why put off to tomorrow what could be done today?" Don't know
"Never pretend to a love that which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command." Alan Watts
"Clarity of mind means clarity of passion, too; this is why a great and clear mind loves ardently and sees distinctly what it loves." Blaise Pascal

Guys night

There was this little boy who began digging a hole in his backyard, when his neighbor lady looked over the fence and said, "Why are you digging that hole." The little boy replied, "My goldfish died and I'm having a funeral." As he continued to dig the neighbor lady commented, "That is an awfully big hole for just a goldfish." The little boy looked up and said, "That's because it's in your cats stomach." hahahahahahahahahahahaha
I'm still dying laughing at that one. And for those of you who don't know that came from A Lot Like Love, yes guys night consisted of watching a chick flick. And almost zero studying and the possible failure of sociology. Oh we also went to see Iron Man again today. Talk about kicking finals in the balls.

"Peace out cub scout." Don't know but it seems like a good way to end a blog.

Monday, May 12, 2008

And then there were two

Finals week is half over already. European history and Christian Faith are securely in the bag. Only Sociology tomorrow and Spanish on wednesday. I don't have a lot to say in this blog so it will be pretty short and sweet. The roommates and myself along with he who is to be named later are going to see Ironman again today. It will give us a little freedom from studying so much. Also, I learned something today. They always say that you crash after drinking energy drinks, however, I don't think I ever had this crash. Well today after my second final I think I felt that crash. Both my brain and body were thoroughly exhausted.

P.S. Union food sucked ass today.

"Secret thoughts and open countenance will go safely over the world." Scipione Alberti

Christine Everheart "You've been called the Da Vinci of our time. What do you say to that?"
Tony Stark "Absolutely ridiculous. I don't paint."

"Give me a scotch, I'm starving." Tony Stark (Iron Man)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Sex in the city and Dan is useless

So far this weekend has been awesome. It all began with the self-canceling of International Law on Friday. I was able to pack up a bunch of things and head home early. Before I got home I went to see my grandpa, a usual ritual of mine when I go home. We were able to sit and chat about life for about an hour which is always awesome. Then I went to see my best friend, T2. And went to Muncie with T2 and the roomie. While in Muncie, I got a paintball gun, the Spyder MR1. Then the three of us went to T2 grandpa's house and played some halo and ping pong chicken with a bunch of our old friends until 3 a.m. So Friday night was great except for the fact that he who is to be named later was not able to accompany us. Then today came around. I woke up at 11:30 and ate lunch with mom and my bro. Then went to the bro's soccer game. Needless to say it was almost pointless for the other team to show up the game was completely dominated by his team. P.S. that is back-to-back undefeated seasons. Immediately after the game and the congratulations hugs and good jobs hand shakes I went back to T2's house and the two of us came back to the chet. Here, we played some kickball and then went to the Fort. At the Fort we went to Dick's, then to Barnes & Noble, where I bought Into The Wild, then to see IronMan. IronMan is the most badass comic book referenced movie in the history of life. It was amazing. Now I'm studying a little for some finals. Tomorrow, T2 and myself will be traveling back to P-Town for Mother's Day. Talk about the perfect weekend except for the fact that I have to study my ass off for finals on Monday.

"I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence, I can reach for; perfection is God's business." Michael J. Fox
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." Napoleon Bonaparte
"Whatever you are, be a good one." Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, May 8, 2008

A pair of double D's

So today the roommates and myself had a conversation about what life really is. I have had the blog about the meaning of life, but this one is about what life really is. Very philosophical, I know. What if the life you are living right now is merely a dream? You would really have no way of knowing whether it is or not. What if you are really asleep in a bubble somewhere? Or what if the world doesn't exist? We are just forces and thoughts and no more. There is no body or anything physical, it is all in your mind. We are merely thoughts. What if this is life? What if death is actually just waking up or changing dreams and thoughts? What if our life doesn't exist at all? What if I am just a creation of your mind and I am not real? How would you react if you found that life is fake? What if you "woke up" tomorrow and realized that this "life" was only a dream? Would you be pissed or relieved? I think I would be relieved. I mean to have the chance at a second "life." However, I am pretty sure this is a "real" life because if weren't then I why are all the best girls not mine? But then again, maybe I create life like this so that I won't question it. Yeah I know I'm confusing even myself. But how are we seriously to know if life isn't a dream?

"Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep." Fran Lebowitz
"Life is far to important a thing ever to talk seriously about." Oscar Wilde

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Crime Alert!!!

OVER 1000 VIEWS-ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? Well obviously I am just super cool. But really though, this means that my blogged has been viewed over 490 times since 1 o'clock. That's only 27 minutes. And whether he who is to be named later is all of those views or not is irrelevant.

A felony has occurred in Helman Hall today. A bicycle came up missing. When la policia arrived they said it was a heinous case of Grand Theft Bikecycle. They believe that it is just a few adolescents who have taken GTA 4 to a new level. However, it should be none that crimes like this one will not go unpunished. A suit has already been filed with the Supreme Court of the Universe. A dozen police departments have been notified of the incident and UN forces are currently being dispatched. If you have any knowledge of this bikecycle please comment on this blog. It has two wheels, it is a faded maroon color with a little bit of electrical tape on it somewhere. It responds to the name of Zac's Bikecycle. Please keep a look out.


So the thought just crossed my mind of what I would wish for if I had a genie. There are many things to think about when deciding what wishes to choose. I mean out of everything in the world you can only wish for three of them. And then there are the possible consequences of every wish. After a little thought I decided that I wanted a billion dollars, but then I wondered, where did this money come from? Are a billion people one dollar poorer or is there magically $1 billion more dollars in the world. If the second were true then it could have serious economic consequences so then I decided to just have the knowledge to be able to make a billion dollars on my own. Then I thought, should I ask for that one specific girl? But quickly decided against it, I mean what if she gets fat and ugly then that just wouldn't be much fun anymore and I would be stuck, well kinda. But I decided to ask for the ability to talk to girls and say exactly what I mean without sounding like an idiot and actually reversing the desired outcome. So pretty much all I asked for with the first two wishes was knowledge, I had the knowledge to make a billion dollars and the knowledge to allow me to talk to women. Now my last wish took a little more thought. I originally thought about the ability to read minds but sometimes there are thoughts of others better left unread. So then I thought about other super powers that I wanted. And then it became clear that the ideal super power for me would be the ability to jump. Not like physical jumping but the ability to teleport anywhere in the world. So that would be my three wishes. All of them have a purpose and meaning and all very necessary and relevant to my desires. It's something to think about though because just look at Aladdin you never know if you are going to find a magical lamp with a genie inside.

"A goal without a plan is just a wish." Larry Elder
"When all of your wishes are answered, many of your dreams will be destroyed." Marilyn Manson
"To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act." Anatole France

Monday, May 5, 2008


That's Russian for hello. It's pronounced chuck. So there is nothing better than a nice pair of slacks or dress pants for those unsophisticated readers. There are so many positives to wearing a nice, new pair of dress pants. They feel extremely comfortable and look quite good. Other people are quick to notice the accentuated aspects of your lower half. Whether it is due to the pleats or other great features of the pants, people are sure to notice. Some people look better than others in slacks and that is probably because they have better features to show, and none of us are complaining about that. So, if you happen to catch someone giving your behind the googly eyes don't be insulted or upset with this person be happy that you have pants that make that area look phenomenal. Other situations may occur, for instance, if you were put in the situation like Ron Burgundy of Anchorman where your pleated slacks show the illusion of an immense member of the family, one shouldn't feel embarrassed but proud to own such a wonderful pair of pants. I haven't found that pair of slacks yet, but I'm still looking.
You know that feeling when you wake up in the morning and just don't think anything looks good. Well just remember that slacks are always a good choice. Whether you're coming or going people are bound to notice the perfection of the figure in slacks.

I recently found that this beautiful girl from Hangover (Hanover) is still reading my blog so I would like to say thank you to her for her continued support and loyalty.

"Mr. Burgundy, you have a massive erection" Veronica Corningstone
"Oh, uh it's the pleats..." Ron Burgundy

"I don't normally do this, but I felt compelled to tell you something. You have an absolutely breath-taking... heiney. I mean, that thing's good. I wanna be friends with it." Ron Burgundy

"Women need a reason to have sex, men just need a woman." Someone else said something close to this but I amended it to make is sound better.

Random quote. "It is better to keep quiet and thought ignorant, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

Sunday, May 4, 2008


For those who don't know me the best I would like to begin by saying that I am a pretty guarded person who usually doesn't let his feelings show. I have never really been one who expresses himself. Even more so I'm not the kind of person who likes to vent. Some may disagree but if they really think about it I listen more to their problems more than I express my own. Also, while I may tell them the situation I rarely tell them how I feel about it. There really isn't any one person who I completely open up to. Even my fellow leo doesn't know everything about me. However, leo does probably know the most out of anyone around me that is probably because of other reasons that I open up rather than just the want or need to express myself. However, that is probably another story. This weekend something happened to me that has never happened to me before. I was not only rejected but completely and utterly demolished. I don't really want to go into the story but just know that it was enough to piss me off. I haven't been truly mad in a long time. I am usually very good about keeping withdrawn enough to not get mad but for some reason I had other things in mind besides her leaving to sleep with some guy only 5 minutes after I even met her. So I can put on a happy face and pretend it doesn't bother me but it really does. Just the sight of her name makes me want to punch something. I sent her a text later that night after I was sure she was passed out or in to her stomach that just said "thanks." I thought it was just enough. Not to mad not to desperate, but enough to get my point across. So that is my story for tonight and it may not be much but there is definitely a lesson behind all this. I'm just not sure what it is yet. I think it has something to do with never let your guard down or never expect too much but that could be completely off. So on to as many quotes as I can put in here that are half way relevant to life.

"Pick battles big enough to matter, small enough to win." Johnathan Kozol
"A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties." Harry S. Truman
"People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be." Abraham Lincoln
"Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future." Paul Boese

Saturday, May 3, 2008

May Day Weekend

So the long awaited meeting of Sam finally happened and quickly bombed. It was like the great meeting of the Enola Gay and Hiroshima, no exaggeration. That night however didn't end there. I decided it was better to stay up all night rather than wake up at 5 a.m. to leave for Kentucky for baseball. So I stayed up then slept for a very short time on the bus then lost a double header against Centre College. Needless to say the weekend left something to be desired and was pretty depressing.

"Never pretend to a love that you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command." Alan Watts
"Any man can sweep any woman off her feet, he just needs the right broom." Hitch

Thursday, May 1, 2008

In Conclusion

After the virulent vendetta concluded the three voluptuous vendettans received victory. The chronicles attributed to their cataclysm was conveyed across the continent. They were soon thought of as paladins of immense courage. Furthermore, they received accompaniment in every circumstance that required an acquaintance. The three pulchritudinous comrades completed their calling and lived happily ever after.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Holey Cows

There was once a triad of confidantes. These three pulchritudinous gentlemen were all very sagacious. However, their love life was troublous. These men were not schlubs nor schlocks, yet their effulgent attributes were seldom discerned. The vituperation these men received, due to their winsome personages, was nearly intolerable. However, one fine day these intellectually gifted men saw there opportunity to become decried. These vindicates envisioned an inventive vernal vendetta. The vade mecum vituperation from the viceroy validated the vex brought by the vociferates. The vitiation by the venerable enemies was validated as evil. The vendettan's veracious verbatum vindictively persuaded the masses to virgule the vexing vagrants.

I'm out of v things to say. But for those who read the VP is now the P and this guy is now the VP.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana
"Some people will make headlines while others make history." Philip Elmer-DeWitt

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Loop holes

So blogger world, I have finally returned from my soma holiday. I should be writing a paper that is due tomorrow however instead I have decided to enlighten you with a few technicalities.

The conversation was sparked today about whether or not it was sinful to have "relations" with someone else's girlfriend. After a rather painstaking argument the conclusion was No, if fact God probably made these loop holes to encourage it. You are probably saying to yourself now, "Josh please explain." So I say "sure."

The first four commandments are pretty self explanatory. Have no God before me, Don't idol anything else, Don't use His name in vein, and remember the Sabbath. These 4 really have no bearing on the matter.

Honor thy mother and father: I would think parents would be proud of their child if they raised him well enough to win a girls heart over another guy. And if you bring home a nice girl they would be honored.

Thou shalt not murder: Well obviously you don't have to kill the guy to have "relations" with his girlfriend

Thou shalt not commit adultery: You aren't married so you're good to go.

Thou shalt not steal: Consider their relationship more of a lease, technically he doesn't own her so you aren't stealing her from him. And if it turns sour you can always give her back.

Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor: I'm not really sure what that means but if he takes you to court, just tell the truth, "I'm sorry I'm better than he is and that she wants me more, my bad." No false witness.

Do not covet your neighbors house: I don't want anything in his house, they are living together or anything and he isn't my neighbor, we don't live anywhere near each other.

Do not covet your neighbors wife: Well they obviously aren't married and again he isn't my neighbor.

So that pretty much covers the Ten Commandments and I think this is a pretty convincing argument.

P.S. T2 this blog is not intended for you in any way shape or form, it is an entirely different situation and meant to justify other interactions.

"It isn't against the law if you don't get caught." Yours truly
"I am prepared to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter." Sir Winston Churchill (the guy was such a bad-ass)
"Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things." Don't remember exactly who said it but I'm taking credit for it here.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

You just badassed him

Badass- b-aa-d azz (ed): (n) meaning to be tough or cool or not Dale. (v) to completely and utterly dominate someone's existence. To straight up own someone. Holy shit you just badassed that guy.
Speaking of badass, I am going to get my BadAss degree, because I am going to finish spanish this year, HOORAY.

So onto blogging. I forgot to make a shout out to The Good One in the last blog. He has been playing phenomenally lately and definitely deserves a spot in the blog. So keep up the good work.

This blog was going to be about colors but I have amended that decision to make it about people in general. I have realized people are weird. You honestly never know about people. Sometimes you think you know everything there is to know about someone just to find out there is soooo much more. Someone you have known for a long time can suddenly change. People are not always what they seem. The whole don't judge a book by its cover thing is definitely true. Also, I just realized that as hard as you try sometimes the person you want the most you just can't have. There are always obstacles to overcome. Sometimes these obstacles are tiny and one can easily hurdle them, while other times they are massive and seem impossible to jump. These obstacles test your true feelings. However, people are merely people. They are weird, corky, and unexplainable. People are different. Some people wear all their feelings on their sleeves others keep them bottled up so deep, so nobody would ever know how bad they hurt or how much they love. These are the people who this blog is intended for. I understand this isn't my usual blogging style but it seems relevant for the time. People change and sometimes it seems as if they change for the worst but other times they seem better off. It is how you perceive them that makes it so.

There is always a chance that someday (s)he will be there, and not just there but there to be with you. Sometimes the person you are looking for is right in front of you. Sometimes you settle for someone because it is easier than finding the person you need. Sometimes the person you want the most is just a friend.

"People are weird" Josh "the philosopher" Atkinson
"Everyone has his day and some days last longer than others." Winston Churchill
"It is always wise to look ahead, but difficult to look further than you can see." Winston Churchill

What are friends for

So last night I passed the friend test in flying colors with the prodigy. He was supposed to meet this girl and unfortunately for me, this girl had a friend. So on the way home from Cincinnati I was made aware that I would be accompanying the friend that night. At first I said "absolutely not." However, after much persuasion I agreed to help him out and hang out with the friend. So long story short, after a very uncomfortable night with like 10 minutes of awkward sleep, I finally past the friend test and was able to leave and sleep in my own room until 3 in the afternoon. Yes it was an extremely awkward night and an even more awkward morning. No I didn't do anything with the friend, if thats what you are thinking. This night was a real downer for me because I was on a high after a very successful pitching performance on my part. Granted we were down 12-4 and it was the last inning so my actions didn't mean anything but I succeeded none the less. After the awkward night, the roommates and I decided to go golfing. I think I set a course record for worst round of golf in the history of mankind. It included 15 pathetic drives (on nine holes), me throwing my driver, not completing a hole out of frustration, and probably 10 lost balls. But seriously who wants to be good at golf anyways. So if the prodigy reads this blog, you're lucky that you're my friend otherwise this weekend would be almost unforgivable. There will definitely be a blog later on about something more interesting but this one is enough for now.

P.S. Thanks he who is to be named later for being there when I needed you, even though I didn't accept your offer.

"We secure our friends not by accepting favors but by doing them." Thucydides
"I no doubt deserved my enemies, but I don't believe I deserved my friends." Walt Whitman (guy whose poems Noah reads on the Notebook in case you were wondering.)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Second Procrastination post of the night

One day this bear was chasing this squirrel through the woods. The squirrel turned the corner and ran into a golden lamp. When the bear came around he also tripped over the lamp and this time a genie popped out. The genie looked slightly confused and asked which of them had rubbed the lamp. After extensive argument the genie decided to give them both three wishes. The bear, being the bear said he would go first. He said, "I wish all the other bears in the world were females." The genie nodded his head and it was so. The squirrel quickly said, "I want a helmet." The genie looked confused but nodded his head and a helmet appeared. The bear then laughed and said "I want all the female bears to be constantly horny." The genie nodded his head and it was so. The squirrel said, "I want a moped." Again the genie looked confused but nodded his head and there appeared a moped. The bear then said "I want all the female bears to be straight that way they can only have sex and love me." The genie nodded his head once again and it was so. The squirrel then put on his helmet and started his moped and began driving away. When he was almost out of ear shot he yelled back, "I wish the bear was gay." Moral of the story: squirrels are smarter than bears.

The End


I've found the cure for everything in life and it is molybdenum. It is the 42 element on the periodic table and is classified as a metal similar to lead. It was discovered by Helman Hall in 1778. Check it outs, it's pretty sweet. I actually wrote an entire paper on old Mo in seventh grade if that tells you how good of a bullshitter I am.

I called in sick last night to the NBA, National Bloggers Association, so that is why there wasn't a post. Today's post is going to primarily random but I may come up with an actual theme sometime. First off, I found my opportunity to lead a revolution. RHA!!! It's the perfect organization to organize a coup. First off the VP wants to become the P and this guy wants to become the VP. However, there is mild discomfort in regards to the possible outcome of the elections. However, in all good revolutions the opposition is silenced. So all that need be done is silence those who oppose you and threaten your journey to greatness. Look at Stalin, it worked for him. So revolution and governmental uprising here I come.

Second on the list of blogger randomness is relationships. Recently two friends of mine were brought to the realization that there significant others had cheated on them. This has caused quite a ruckus. The atmospheric pressure and planetary movement has been all thrown off because of these happenings. But eventually everything will probably work out for the best. The girls were kind of bitches anyways. However, you can never be too careful because one of them had been going on for about 4 years.

Third and final topic for tonight: facebook. As if facebook weren't already the ultimate stalkers website they were kind enough to add a messenger on to it. If you hadn't noticed there is a little bar at the bottom of your facebook screen, if you click on the buddies icon you will be able to see every one of your friends that is on and talk to them. Very cool for those certain people who you don't know but want to say "I want to be on you" to.

"Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds." Franklin D. Roosevelt
"A goal without a plan is just a wish." someone with a really awkward name
"Women need a reason to have sex, men just need a place." Billy Crystal

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

French Onion Sun Chips

Today the unsponsored Spartan baseball team in action against the Helman sponsored Anderson Ravens. Luckily for Helman Hall, the Anderson Ravens dominated everything about the poor spartans. There was very little baseball actually played today by the Spartans. They showed up to the field in their nice white uniforms and proceeded to be demolished. The real excitement began after the game had concluded however. While in the locker room, several juniors made a few comments that angered several seniors. As soon as this fight reached its peak, a pitcher made a comment about hitting which was immediately rebutted by a comment from a hitter. So to make a long story short there is trouble in paradise with the Spartan baseball team and the absolute destruction handed to us by the Helman sponsored Ravens didn't help.

I would like to begin by saying that I am extremely disappointed in the VP for doing work the past couple nights. Maybe this is the VPs way of telling me that our relationship is over, but I will pretend that I didn't get the memo. Maybe I didn't get the memo because the VP hasn't talked to me in like a week. But I do appreciate the good night, it made my day.

International law says under Article 4 paragraph 3 section l in the UN Charter that "Dale is a bitch, so fuck off."

So anyways, tonight was a blast. The roommate, he who is to be named later, and myself spent a little over an hour driving around the country. It was awesome. Definitely better than doing homework. I was able to just relax and forget about the large amount of work that is due. I'm still looking for that revolutionary opportunity if you find one. Tomorrow I have this feeling that I am either going to be extremely happy or in a very bad mood so be wary.

I think I have wasted enough time with this useless blog. No quotes for tonight. Sorry

Monday, April 21, 2008

This blog is not about a revolution

So about revolutions. I recently heard a song titled "That was a crazy game of poker," by O.A.R. this song doesn't really have much at all to do with revolutions but there are a few lines that when sung separately can definitely motivate one to start a revolution. So listen to it and rebel against something, all the cool kids are doing it. Moving on.

It has always been somewhat of an hidden dream of mine to lead a revolution. And with my current major in history the idea of revolution is constantly put in my head. You have all those crazy uprisings in 1848, none succeeded however. Bismarck and Cavour in the unification of Germany and Italy in 1871. Lenin and Trotsky in Russia. All these people made there way into history by revolting or leading masses to follow their ideals. Unfortunately for me, the U.S. has a government that makes it incredibly hard to revolt against. There are too many measures in place to make sure such aggression does not escalate to the point of revolution. So governmental revolution is out, at least in the U.S. How about school? While Manchester does have its problems there doesn't seem to be enough to revolt against. I think maybe if I join a suppressed minority group then maybe there might be more opportunities for me. But for the most part school is out. I think that my future plans involve becoming fabulously wealthy and influential then uniting the masses and just seeing how far I can get before someone stops me. This may sound crazy but think about how many times in history that one person was able to single-handedly alter the course of world history. Unfortunately, only the worst of these come to peoples minds at first such as Hitler and Stalin. But think of great people like Winston Churchill, my absolute all-time hero. And others like George Washington and Napoleon. For the VP, yes I just compared George Washington and Napoleon. These people woke up one day and realized that something was wrong and decided it was their job to do something about it. Napoleon may have just wanted power, but he was one man who almost completely conquered Europe and had massive support to do so. Churchill united the world against the Axis power in WWII. Individuals are what is needed to change history. The masses will respond when there is one person who is strong enough or at least loud enough to get there attention. And I really want to lead a large revolution of some form. So if you hear of anything sparking up send me a comment and I'll try and jump into the executive seat. Not because I necessarily believe that I can lead the people, but primarily because I want to try. Oh and the bigger the revolution the better. Not quite WWIII style but maybe like nation wide civil rights rallies or something cool like that. Oh Martin Luther King Jr. he's another big one.

"The first duty of revolution is to get away with it." Abbie Hoffman
"History will be kind to me for I intend to write it." Sir Winston Churchill
"It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we must do what is required." Again the great Sir Winston Churchill
"A leader can see the way, is able to tell the way, and most importantly will lead the way." Something I just kind of made up but sounds really good.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

National Holiday

I forgot to mention that today is national holiday, or should I say yesterday was. It was April 20 which means that is was 4/20. Which means that every pot head in the nation was stoned out of their minds yesterday. Pretty awesome day. Oh and Hitler was born yesterday which is kind of creepy but none the less true.

Peace out and keep rolling dawgs

Pretty People

Today the East Hall sponsored Manchester baseball team was in action today. Helman removed their sponsorship for this particular series and East was kind enough to pick us up, hoping that after baseball we would play for the softball team. The complete and utter domination of the team by Transy made it hard to walk after the raping ended. But luckily it was senior day so we all got to stay around afterwards and talk about the great seasons the seniors have had. But on to the topic at hand. Heaven.

No this isn't a religious blog for those of you who know me best, you know that I am pretty much anti-religion. Except for free Evangelicalism, that just sounds hot. After much thought and consideration I have come to the conclusion that heaven is probably like living inside the internet. Kind of like the Dave Chappelle show thing. It would be pretty much the perfect life. You would have an unlimited supply of anything you wanted. You would have knowledge of practically everything. And access to anything you desired. For instance, if you desired certain videos of a particular rating that is morally unacceptable here, you could live in one in the internet. If you wanted to go golfing then it would be easy to surf on over to say St. Andrews in Ireland and golf a couple rounds. You would have unlimited access to music and movies and any entertainment. Think of all that is available on the internet and think of how awesome that would be if it were heaven. There probably isn't any difference except for the big guy and people in white robes and angels and stuff. But except for that the internet would be the perfect heaven. Unless you get a virus and it fucks up your whole glorious afterlife. That would kind of suck. But it could be worse. Anyways it's something to think about.

"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge." Bertrand Russell
"If you live to be a hundred, you've got it made. Very few people die past that age." George Burns
"I wanna say something. I'm gonna put it out there; if you like it, you can take it, if you don't, send it right back. I want to be on you." Ron Burgundy

Saturday, April 19, 2008


The Helman sponsored Manchester baseball team played Transylvania in part of the Helman sponsored HCAC Conference. Unfortunately, due to many mistakes offensively, defensively, and from the pitching staff we lost both games today. The first game we very easily could have won, we were ahead 5-4 going into the last inning. However, the closer we brought in decided that he didn't want to win the game and gave up 2 runs. So we lost. In the second game we just didn't show up to play and got our asses kicked. We only lost 10-6 but we never had a chance of winning the game. So thats enough talking about the games.
So on to confidence. For those who know me, you know that I have always been a very confident person. Even if I have nothing to be confident about, I usually think I do. However, it seems like lately in baseball I have lost a lot of confidence. I haven't been throwing well and my arm is starting to hurt. It's almost aggravating. But hopefully this whole lack of confidence thing doesn't spill over into my personal life. What would it be like without a cocky/confident me? But anyways I think that is all thats on my mind now. Maybe I will have another blog that is up to the normal standards and not just me complaining.

"I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within. It is there the entire time." Anna Freud
"The man who has confidence in himself gains the confidence of others." Some person who I don't remember

Thursday, April 17, 2008


One day at school this little boy comes in late and the teacher asks him, "where have you been?" "On top of Blueberry Hill," he exclaims. A little later another boy comes in and the teacher asks him "where have you been?" "On top of Blueberry Hill," he told her. Several minutes later two boys come into the classroom and the teacher asks, "boys why are you so late?" "Sorry, we were on top of Blueberry Hill." The teacher then asks, "Where is this Blueberry Hill and why are all my students late because of it?" Nobody answered but several of the boys laughed. At that moment a new girl walked into class and the teacher said, "Let me guess you were on top of Blueberry Hill?" The little girl blushed and said, "No ma'am I am Blueberry Hill."

So on to the topic of hills. They can be beautiful things. There are big hills and small hills. Round hills and pointy hills. Ones that look like pancakes and ones that look like bananas. Some times the size of the hill and really determine the rank of the total landscape. Other times the beauty of the surrounding landscape can out weigh the size of the hills. Every hill has its ups and downs though, haha get it. Big hills can be a ton of fun to play on top of or to slide in between of. However, they can be a lot of work to get up on top of. Small hills are easy to get over or on top of. But if the person playing on the hill is too big then they will not have much fun in between the hills. But small hills are still extremely fun. National Geographic hills can be fun to look at sometimes but others they are just unpleasant. One of the most important aspects of a good hill is the peak. Some peaks are very large and colorful with a pointy thing on top. Other are small and light colored. Either one can be fun to play on top of. But really there is very little use for the hills. One can play on or around them. Climb up one side and roll down the other. Roll around in the valley they create. You can dream about hills and trust me we all do dream about hills. But hills are good. Even if there isn't much to those hills they are still good.

"I would settle for a handshake at this point." The Dave Erpelding
"Women like silent men, they think they are listening." Marcel Archard
"A pessimist is a man who thinks all women are bad. An optimist is a man who hopes they are." Chauncey Mitchell Depew

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Heroes and money

Today I had the pleasure of going with Naked Dave and the roommate to Plymouth to eat with Naked Dave's parents. It's amazing how different Applebees is from the union. While we were in Plymouth, I got new golf gloves. Unfortunately, I got them after the roommate and I went golfing, where incidentally I shot one of the worst scores of my life and about killed a cocky little high school kid. It's a story I don't feel like blogging about but ask me about it if you really want to know. So on to the topics of the day.

First question, who is your hero? And what constitutes a hero? In all honesty my hero would be a tie between my mom and my grandpa. I chose my mom because she is extremely strong. She is always there for me and always has good advice. It was because of her that I am as observant as I am, somehow she always knows everything. The other hero of mine is my grandpa. Because I have never knew my father, my grandpa was that figure for me. He taught me pretty much everything. He is definitely the strongest person I know. I don't know why I blogged about this subject but it was on my mind and it's my blog so I can write about pretty much whatever I want.

The next subject is money. In Sociology today, we watched a video about the richest heirs in the world. Several of them only complained about how lonely or how hard it was to be a billionaire. However, never having the troubles of being a billionaire it seems like a pretty sweet life. Never to have any worries in life. Granted you are pretty much an outsider because not everyone is loaded, but I think the benefits greatly outnumber the costs. However, it would probably suck though to drive a Ferrari to high school and go to all the nicest private schools. One of the guys is actually probably my new hero, the V.P. probably knows who it is before I even say it. There was this young handsome billionaire who was looking for satisfaction so he went from pussy to buying things then back to pussy then to doing a hobby then back to pussy. That poor young man is just living the life. I almost feel sorry for him. But anyways it would be pretty awesome to inherit a billion dollars or even a million dollars would be fine.

P.S. For the only RHA member who reads this besides the roommate. Sorry we were late and sorry that Dale had to take our spots. Helman will resume it's dominance once again next week.

"A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer" Ralph Emerson
"Money was never a big motivation to me, except to keep score. The real excitement was playing the game." Donald Trump
"Money can't buy happiness, but neither can poverty." Leo Rosten

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Groundhog Day

I want to begin with another Hall of Fame tp story. One of my best friends all through school was having his graduation party the next day. He was joining the Navy and would be gone for around 3 years. So T2 and myself decided the best way to say goodbye would be to tp his house after he and his parents spent all day cleaning up the yard and getting everything ready. So 60 or 70 some rolls later and a few smoke bombs and some powdered sugar and strawberry syrup on the cars we were done. The next day the party was a blast and he came up quietly and said, "Matt McCord tped my house last night, will you help me get him back?" My and T2 response was immediately "Of course." So he didn't know we did it until I wrote him a letter in boot camp telling him the truth, I mean what are friends for.

Now on to groundhogs day. For those of you who haven't seen the movie remove yourself from under the rock you have been living and watch it. It may be a little corny but it definitely has a message. If tomorrow was never going to come what would you do? Keep in mind that there is only so much that you can physically accomplish in one day. You can't travel very far, nor could you climb a mountain or swim the English Channel but there are certainly a lot of last minute things that I would want to do. First priority may be a threesome, that just sounds fun. I would tell those I care about exactly how I feel. I would not put on any clothes, except to tell my family I love them of course (that would be pretty awkward otherwise). But other than that I don't really know what I would do. Would I want to tell a girl that I really like the truth? Would I want to play one last baseball game? I really don't know. After strenuous research the number one answer was have sex, which is understandable. There would be no consequences. Others said they would spend time with their families. So after my threesome I would spend time with my family. Then just before the end I would have sex again. It's pretty much the perfect day. Oh I forgot I would go to an RHA meeting somewhere in there. Now that would be the perfect day.
A question that has bothered me for quite some time: "If you were to die tomorrow, would you have any regrets?"

"The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want" Ben Stein
"Life is far to important a thing to ever talk seriously about" Oscar Wilde
and my personal favorite
"Life is a sexually transmitted disease" R.D. Laing

Monday, April 14, 2008

High School Fun

Well friends of the blogging world, for those of you who do not read the roommates blog I would encourage you to do so, The poem he refers too is just short of amazing. Anyways moving forward.

In high school, at least at Jay County High School, toiletpapering was a major trend. It was something to do on the weekend and made nights interesting. If you have never been toiletpapering I would highly encourage you to do so. The fun isn't in throwing the tp over trees or putting forks in the yard, or putting shaving cream in a condom and then putting the condom over the door handle. The fun is in almost getting caught. It's an adrenaline rush. Especially, if the person you are doing it to gets super pissed. Some of you may say that this is just meaningless vandalism or crass, but toiletpapering was so much more. It wasn't just a random thing. It was planned and strategically organized. There are two instances that come to mind that legitimize my claim.
One night a very large group of us were sitting at pizza hut after a football game when the idea to go tping was tossed down the table. Seeing an opportunity to step into the TP Hall of Fame, I took the reins and began planning for everyone. To my right was my best friend and to my left was chicken george. Well chicken george believed he was the best so I convinced him to take half of the guys and tp my best friend. Well he didn't know that I sent my best friend back to his house to catch them. For those of you who know T2, know that he is more than capable of handling a few unarmed guys. Part 3 of the plan consisted of me taking the remaining 8 guys or so and going to chicken georges house for the 3 straight weekend to tp him. Well with chicken george oblivious to his own downfall, we headed out. The plan worked amazingly. Chicken George's house looked as if it were in Siberia in the worst snow storm on record. Not a tree was left uncovered. When his mom came out and almost caught us made the adventure that much more exciting. However, the absolute best part was the phone call from chicken george exclaiming his untimely demise at the best friends house. Apparently, some car keys were stolen from the get away car and a BB gun with a laser pointer was involved (I told you he was capable of handling them haha). After the rendezvous at the high school he continued to express his utter dislike of the plan and continued to question my loyalty to the plan. I made up a story that we went somewhere else and got caught. So him being the ever untrustful chicken george questioned my source and attempted to legitimize it. To his misfortune, the alibi came through and my half was saved. This is just one of several times that guaranteed my name be placed in the Hall of Fame of Toiletpapering. I know I said I would share two events but the next one is longer yet, so I may save it for tomorrow or something.

Words of advice:
If you have never experienced the joy of toiletpapering, it is well worth it to try.
"When in doubt..."
and lastly just remember it could always be worse.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

New Blog

Holy shit Dale, here is your blog. Stop asking when I am going to post it.

Ish All About Dominashion

So this weekend was pretty much the ideal weekend. Everything was almost perfect. Friday began with a concert (sponsored by Helman Hall), which was pretty good. Then a few guys from the band and the great Democrat came back to the room and lived it up MC style. The only bad part of this weekend was he is to be named later was unable to join in on the festivities but fortunately it all worked out in the end. Oh and I had to survive a baseball game in the freezing cold rain on 4 hours of sleep. But moving forward, the Helman sponsored Manchester Spartans beat the Anderson Ravens on a walk-off homer 3-2, tying the series 1-1. The second game was canceled and I got to go home for a few hours. The momma and I went shopping and got a few new things. A ninja mask for baseball, a golf club, and some food. Then I got my car which was being fixed and came back to Helman Hall and watched "No Country for Old Men" with the democrat, he who is to be named later, and the roommate. After another night of going to bed at 4 a.m., I slept in until 2 in the afternoon. However, the weekend wasn't perfect until only a few minutes ago when I got to talk to the V.P., even though it was only on AIM. So hopefully the week follows the weekend's example and continues with its perfectness.

For guys:
"Boyfriends aren't road blocks they are just detours." Anonymous
Words of advice for everyone:
Fuck it, I mean its just life.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

"Fuck that rocket whore"

Oh the ever amazing language of halo. I am becoming quite fluent in this new language. Much more so than Spanish which I unfortunately have a test in tomorrow. The quote in the title was from the infamous Dale. Well todays blog is about the compliment of facebook stalking. And Hardee's spicy chicken sandwiches, and maybe a few other things, I'm not quite sure yet. First off, compliments are amazing. Especially when they are completely random they can really brighten your day. Whether its beginning an IM with "Hey beautiful" or telling someone they look nice in class. However, there is a large compliment they always goes unnoticed. Facebook stalking is a major compliment, sure it may be slightly creepy that someone can know everything about you. With todays networks one can see another's complete profile without even being there friend, so I've heard. However, it should be considered a compliment for you that people want to look at your facebook profile, unless its NateDawg, then its creepy. But its almost the same as saying "hey I think you are good-looking" or "you are a very nice person and I want to get to know you better" or maybe "I want to be on you." Facebook stalking or should I say facebook complimenting is a rarely noticed compliment to you.
Spicy chicken sandwiches from Hardees are awesome at midnight.
Christmas shirts are comfortable.
Well I know this blog isn't the greatest but follow the link and it will definitely boost your spirits.

"They just shot the shit out of me" Dale
"Zac's a bitch" Anonymous
"Think about it geographically Dan" Larry