Saturday, September 13, 2008

A new empire arises

The title is completely irrelevant. I don't like titles so I think I am just going to use the ones Professor Angelos gives me in my history notes.

So today was a very interesting day for yours truly. Instead of sleeping off my hangover until noon and then laying around all day, I woke up and went to a beef cattle show in Auburn. Now you may think, "wow how weird," but actually I used to show beef steers in 4-H and I rather enjoyed the show. I went his he who is to be named later and she who is to be named later and the wrastler.

Tomorrow is our first baseball games of the fall season. I pitch in game 3 which should begin between 2:30-3. It should be complete domination but who knows. I have some pretty legit adversaries to compete against. So wish me good luck.

"Professor Tinsley sucks" this guy
"Trade your secrets and become who you are" Frank Warren

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