Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Boys of Summer

The title refers to the name given to the Portland Rockets by our coach. Currently, your Portland Rockets dominated the USBC Classic in Ft. Wayne Indiana outscoring our opponents 21-3. Yes you may ask why even bother going when the competition is nowhere near your standards and I answer back because we got to play on Wizards Stadium. Yours truly is starting tonight if the rain ceases in the next hour or so. This will be my last start for quite some time because on Wednesday night at 9:02 p.m. the other boys of summer will be traveling to Colorado for a ten-day camping trip. The roommate, T2, farmboy and myself will be partaking in this adventure. We will be camping at approximately 11,000 ft. and this is not an RV trip. This is a backpack 6.5 miles up a mountain with all your supplies and be completely on your own for 10 days kinda thing. Pretty bitchin i know. Well the boss has walked by like 4 times and given me a dirty "I know you aren't working on what you're supposed to" look, so I will only take like 10 more minutes to find witty and inspiring quotes to end on.

"Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods." Aristotle
"A true friend doesn't bail you out of jail but is sitting beside you saying 'man that was fun.'" Don't remember but is still a classic

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