Wednesday, October 8, 2008

FuCk My LiFe

It's 12:22 in the a.m. I am sick, I have class at 9:30, I have two sentences written on a paper that is due tomorrow, and did I mention I'm sick.

Furthermore, I received my absentee ballot today and it is confusing as fuck. But I'm not completely sure who I'm going to vote for. After lasts night debate I am convinced McCain is slightly retarded but also that Obama is border line gay. Obama is extremely intelligent but unfortunately knows it and also knows how to say a lot and say nothing at all. McCain is apparently friends with everyone and wants to buy 3 million houses. I think I'm just going to say fuck the primary parties and vote Libertarian. BOB BARR '08!!!!

I hate coughing. Fuck girls, if that one bitch didn't make me sleep with the window open I wouldn't be sick. It wasn't even worth it.

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