Sunday, July 18, 2010

Just Wing It

I was having a conversation today with the phoenix (it took quite awhile to come up with that nickname) and realized that I really live my life by the saying, "just wing it." Life is too short to spend it stressing out and worrying about the future. So to combat this I have decided to let life do life and I'm gonna do me. The old Navy dawg still brings up a saying that I quoted to him the day of his graduation party, "don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things." And we have to bring up the brilliant quote by the Stifmaister, "live life, get paid, then get laid." Basically, the point of this blog is to get people to relax during the summer months and throughout your entire lives. You can only do so much and the rest will just take care of yourself. And trust me life won't end if you don't perform everything perfectly for everyone. Fuck it, its just life.

"Nobody lives forever"
"You're only as young as the women you feel" the Quaterback

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