Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Blondes, Brunettes and Red-heads

I have spent my entire life chasing brunettes. I always thought that blondes were just for fun and brunettes are there to marry. However, after being continually let down by brunettes and only having one experience with a blonde I have decided to turn the page on brunettes and jump on the blonde bandwagon. It will be a nice change of pace. Blonde's offer a completely different range of experiences. First, everyone knows they are better in bed. So I am willing to explore a new wide range of sexual exploits. Furthermore, blondes will naturally achieve more in life based solely off their good looks. If you can find a blonde that is intelligent and can cook then she is the perfect woman.
I know what you're thinking, brunettes can pull off the sexy librarian and that behind closed doors freak. But I have experienced that girl and wish to expand my horizons and go for the blondes. Now as far as red-heads my only advice is stay clear. They are mean and crazy. Many have some sort of disability that requires them to be complete bitches.
So I have made up my mind, I will be pursuing blondes. That is until a sexy brunette gives me that special look that says, "I swallow" then I'll be back to brunettes.

"Bitches will be bitches, hoes will be hoes, but nothing will be as pretty as a perfect corn row," The Boilermaker speaking of actual corn rows not the hair style.

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