Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Chapter 2

As I said earlier there are different ways to approach different situations. However, many of these situations are impossible to write about. You just have to be aware of your surroundings. Also, you have to be aware of yourself. No woman is out of reach! However, if you are stumbling when you walk and can't see straight it may not be wise for you to approach the girl. Unfortunately, it is these times that you have the most confidence and are most likely to say hello. Avoid these situations!!! Granted she may be a drinker and partier but the more you are able to keep control the more attractive you become. Girls don't want someone they have to babysit. So if it is at all possible avoid being drunk on your first encounter.

There are many different situations. For sake of not writing a thousands pages I will concentrate on one. You see a girl and simply want to get to know her better, not strictly sexually either. So, you have broken the ice and are now having a decent conversation. However, it gets to the point where talking stops and it becomes an awkward situation. At this point it is best to leave. Give a polite and courteous thank you and good bye and it was a pleasure to meet you. REMEMBER, its not worth chasing a girl all over to get her to like you. Either she does or she doesn't and you only have a little say in the matter. If she likes you after the conversation there is a good possiblity that if you keep an eye out, casually, then you could possibly do it again. The second time is a time for joking and casual teasing. Eliminate the awkward middle ground and begin joking and lightening up the mood. However, don't go too far. "You look slutty" is not a joke. Games, while sometimes cheesy, are great ways to begin poking fun at each other. If you begin the teasing and she responds positively, then you succeeded and are allowed to continue. But not too much. She is not your brother you cannot constantly haze her. Also, flirting is different from teasing. Flirting begins and ends with a smile, teasing with no regards to others reactions ends with you being alone again. After the flirting phase comes the being alone phase, however that's another blog.

"Three things have been difficult to tame: the oceans, fools and women. We may soon be able to tame the oceans; fools and women will take a little longer." Spiro T. Agnew
Don't be a fool and don't try to tame women, its a losing battle.

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